Cause And Effect Of Illegal Gambling
Gambling is often the cause of criminal activities. Mafia members could use the money for illegal or dangerous purposes. So, I recommend that we do not have gambling facilities. Also, gamblers could start fighting each other or cause problems about money.
Gambling could affect family relations, because gamblers focus on gambling too much and they do not take care of their families. Thus, gambling could be the cause of divorce or domestic violence. For example, if a father gambles too much and does not come home until late at night, it could harm his relationship with his family.
Finally, gambling could have negative effect on health, because gambling too much could make people too excited and they would be unable to maintain good health. For instance, gamblers might stay up late at night to gamble for long hours so they could easily catch a cold or become ill.
In conclusion, gambling should be banned because there would be more criminal activities if people allowed it, it would negatively affect family relations, and it could damage people’s health.
Main Effects of gambling. A common effect of gambling is that it can lead to the loss of jobs, failed marriages and massive debt. Now you can see what addicts go through with issues like mental health disorder, depression, and mood disorder. So, before you decide to make betting or gambling a part of your life, better to think wisely of the path you choose to take. Check out our top Free Essays on Cause And Effect Of Gambling to help you write your own Essay Free Essays on Cause And Effect Of Gambling - Executive Summary Effects of Casino Gambling on Crime and Quality of Life in New Casino Jurisdictions Grand Award 98-IJ-CX-0037 With the dramatic increase in casino gambling in the 199Os, one of the most important domestic policy questions became, What impact do casinos have on. Jun 03, 2011 I agree with the statement that gambling should be banned. There are three reasons for this opinion. There would be more criminal activity if society allowed gambling, gambling negatively affects family relations, and gambling could lead to health problems. Gambling is often the cause of criminal activities. Red stag casino member bonus codes. Online casino software secrets.
What Makes Gambling Illegal
Cause And Effect Of Illegal Gambling Sites
- Are lotteries harmful? In 1987 the State of Wisconsin, in authorizing a state lottery. Commercial gambling casinos), 12 cents is spent on opera- tions, including commissions to retailers, and 38 cents goes. Good causes, they offer an alternative to illegal gambling, which is.
- Apr 18, 2017 Most individuals with a gambling addiction are young and middle-aged men. Often, gambling addiction starts with financial problems. The person struggling with money problems sees gambling as an opportunity. As a result, they think this will solve their financial problems. Another cause of this terrible condition is the search for excitement.
- Unemployment is another effect of obsessive gambling. Getting fired reflects on the gambler’s lack of functional ability to work, and enhances the monetary strain on compulsive gambling. One Response to “Gambling can cause 10 problems”. does not promote illegal, underage gambling or gambling to those who live.